For the love of water

1991 - 2003

Andrew spent hot summers at Bluejacket Pool in Overland Park, Kansas, jumping off the high-dive at age 3 to impress a pretty lifeguard named Katie Jo. His family frequently vacationed to Duck Lake (MI) and Tampa Bay (FL), where Andrew enjoyed swimming and other water-based activities away from home.

Nicole practically grew up on the water. Her family often vacationed to Stone Harbor (NJ) and Panama City Beach (FL). Her dad was a charter captain out of Catawba Island, Ohio, so she spent most summers on Lake Erie. Her first job was cleaning fishing boats when they docked.  

MEET YOU at the lake

2019 - 2021

To train for an upcoming triathlon, Andrew met his friend, John, to bike and swim. They enjoyed the results of their experience and quickly made it routine.

Following a year of isolation from the pandemic, Nicole planned to meet her friends, Brian and Helen, for a swim at Belmont Harbor one night. The intent was to connect, and they did. They enjoyed their time so much that Nicole suggested they make it a weekly hang.

The following week, she invited Andrew and a few other close friends.



By July 2021, Nicole’s Thursday Night Swim Club evolved into Friday Morning Swim Club. Some say Andrew stole Nicole’s idea. Others say it's a sensitive subject. But most say they’re grateful the duo combined forces, talents and values to form Chicago’s largest swim club. 

The group’s first meeting with only 8 attendees was casual and included first-time conversations while treading water. Within a few months, hundreds joined the gathering. And now hundreds have become thousands — all looking to participate in a fun, authentic experience unique to Chicago. 


  • Co-founder

    Fueled by: drip coffee, basic crew neck sweatshirts, movie quotes, competition of any kind

    Past Life: graphic designer (still am tho 🙂), University of Akron intramural flag football champ, annual Cedar Point season pass holder

    Most listened to artist of 2022: Ocie Elliott

    Favorite Swim Club memory: The Great Lake Race of 2022 — it was EPIC.

    Hometown: Amherst, Ohio

    Chicago has been home since: Summer 2013

    Reach Nicole:

  • Co-founder

    Fueled by: PRCC oat milk cortados, his borderline obsessive morning routine, old fashioneds

    Past Life: 2-Time OP Par 3 Tournament Champ at ages 7 and 9 (peaked early), Hooper, Civil Engineer

    Most listened to artist of 2022: Fred again..

    Favorite Swim Club memory: getting his mom and dad to join during season 2

    Hometown: Overland Park, KS GO CHIEFS

    Chicago has been home since: May 2014

    Reach Andrew:


Friday Morning Swim Club brings people together to get off their phones and into the water. This community was built for people who value togetherness, genuine connection and the benefits of living simply. Whether you’re looking to meet someone new, embrace adventure or schedule a time to feel present, Friday Morning Swim Club encourages folks to “jump in” and enjoy what makes Chicago special. 

swim club would not be possible without the help of some very awesome humans.

love you guys 💘